
By nature, a Hunter & Hyland product is of the highest quality and all products are extremely robust and of a timeless design. Therefore, their lifespan is longer than a less expensive high street counterpart, making them more environmentally friendly from the outset. When disposed of, virtually all parts can be dismantled and, in the main, recycled. A service is offered by the business to refurbish products – this can include painting to suit a new colour scheme, re-polishing, re-plating and re-lacquering which can, in turn, increase a product’s life-span.

Hunter & Hyland is committed to decreasing its impact on the environment, protecting the future wood industry and wherever possible, uses FSC and PEFC certified suppliers. Virtually all wood is sourced via European and American suppliers.

Hunter & Hyland uses local and UK suppliers where possible. Waste has been decreased by over 1/3 in the last 5 years with a staff focus on recycling, there has been an improvement in manufacturing processes used. Electricity consumption has been reduced by 15% due to improved plant and lighting.

Hunter & Hyland has also taken steps to improve the social issues that can be faced when using overseas suppliers for necessary hardware items. For the Indian element of production, a factory is used that has very good social policies regarding working conditions and is well known for its treatment of its staff.

Ultimately, Hunter & Hyland’s policy is to continually strive to decrease its impact on the environment and to act in a socially moral way when dealing with staff and suppliers. The future of the wood and manufacturing industry is wholly reliant on a focus on improving the way we use our raw materials and changing our relationship with the environment to support that. Hunter & Hyland and its employees will remain committed to making that happen.